





白雪公主导演主演 主要情节改编作品?




2。罗伯特在2012年指导的电影《白雪公主与猎人》。讲述的是女王雷雯娜正在通过武力四处征战,扩张国家。无意间得知她的继女白雪公主将会 成为“世界上最美的女人”,并且最终会取代她的地位。因此派猎人追杀白雪公主。





简介:一个邪恶的皇后(朱莉娅·罗伯茨饰),密谋着要用自己的邪术夺取一个国家的控制权。她最重要的敌人就是这个国家真正意义上的继承人,一个漂亮的孤儿—白雪公主(莉莉·科林斯饰)。更让她不快的是,邻国英俊潇洒的王子(艾米·汉莫饰)现在也对白雪公主情投意合。将这一切看在眼里的邪恶皇后非常不满,她先将白雪公主流放到了黑森林中,接着又用药水迷住了王子。很快,她便和王子结婚,成为了国家的统治者。 在黑森林里,白雪公主碰到了一群侏儒劫匪,在他们的帮助下,白雪公主从一个柔弱的姑娘变成了一个具有决心和意志力的复仇女神。当得知白雪公主还没有死之后,邪恶皇后从皇宫中派出了一个敢死队前往黑森林,她要将白雪公主置于死地,那个帅气的王子也在其中。 在战斗的过程中,王子爱上了白雪公主。在得知白雪公主的遭遇后,他们结成了联盟,准备向邪恶皇后发起倒戈一击。


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away a baby girl is born。 Her skin is as pure as a snow Her hair is as dark as the night They called her..Snow White

Probably because that was the most pretentious name they can come out with

As faith has it, Snow White’s mother died in child birth Left on his own, her father spoiled the young girl. he can afford to of course, he was the king.

The king loved his daughter, and all the subjects love him. The kingdom was a happy place. where people danced and sang day and night

Apparently no one had a job back then.Just singing and dancing all day and all night.Oh my, that gross.

The king raised the little girl by himself.. growing her to one day lead.

Over time, he realized there’s some things he couldn’t teach her. So he sort out..A new Queen

This queen was the most beautiful woman in the world She was intelligent, and strong, and.. Just to clarify..She was me.

And this is my story..not hers.

Bewitched by my beauty, the king begged me to marry him I was everything to him.The Stars, The moon.. But the dark magic invaded the land.

The brave king said farewell to Snow White Leaving her his favorite dagger.

It’s interestng..But we’re on that later.. He rode off into the dark woods, and sadly.. was never seen again

Snow White searched and searched her father.. And when she realized he was trully gone.

She was devastated.

The girl was now left under the care of the beautiful queen.. 10 years pasted, and Snow White grew older and blossomed.. The kingdom was turned into icy despair.. and the queen realized, if she wanted to remain the most beautiful woman on the land..

well.. snow would have to what snow does best Snow would have to fall.


白雪公主之魔镜魔镜 7.9分 主演:朱莉娅·罗伯茨莉莉·科林斯艾米·汉莫莉莉·柯林斯 导演:塔西姆·辛 类型:剧情喜剧奇幻 时长:105分钟 年代:2012 地区:美国 语言:英语 别名:魔镜 ﹡魔镜:白雪公主决战黑心皇后(港) 白雪公主 简介