夕阳天使是哪一年拍的电影 夕阳天使是哪一年拍的电视剧



中国香港动作片110分钟,导演元奎。《夕阳天使(So Close)》由美国哥伦比亚电影制作(亚洲)公司出品,由舒淇、赵薇、莫文蔚主演。


周氏两兄弟是亚洲电脑业的巨头,拥有亚洲最富有的电脑王国。但突然之间其公司内部的电脑系统由于感染病毒而全部瘫痪,于是他们四处求救。与此同时,一个自称为“天使”的神秘高手突然出现,帮助他们成功的解决了入侵的病毒。两兄弟对于“天使”的才华十分佩服,而对于天使本人又十分好奇,提出了见面的要求。当“天使” 应约而至时,令周氏兄弟十分惊讶的是“天使”居然是一对拥有天使面容的姊妹花。




they long to be(close to you)–卡朋特

why to birds suddenly appear

every time you are near

just like me ,they long to be

close to you

why to stars fall down from the sky

every time you walk by

just like me ,they long to be

close to you

on the day that you were born

the angels got together

and decided to create a dream come

so they sprinkled moon dust

in you hair of gold

and starlight in your eyes of blue

that is why all the girls in town

follow you all around

just like me ,they long to be

close to you

just like me ,they long to be

close to you


你中意的人,就像你手里握着的一只小鸟。 抓的松,怕他飞走。 抓得紧,他却可能窒息而死。 ——《夕阳天使》








夕阳天使插曲Close To You,原唱Carpenters,电影里的是莫文尉唱的。

why do birds suddenly appear

every time you are near?

just like me, they long to be

close to you.

why do stars fall down from the sky

every time you walk by?

just like me, they long to be

close to you.

on the day that you were born

the angels got together

and decided to create a dream come true

so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold

and starlight in your eyes of blue.

that is why all the girls in town

follow you all around.

just like me, they long to be

close to you.

on the day that you were born

the angels got together

and decided to create a dream come true

so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold

and starlight in your eyes of blue.

that is why all the girls in town

follow you all around.

just like me, they long to be

close to you.

just like me (just like me)

they long to be

close to you.

wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.

wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.

hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.

lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you


 最开始看到这个片名其实挺拒绝的,一点不吸引人,后来看了,觉得三个女演员选的很合适,美女同台,各有特色也各有特点,武打动作干净利落,尤其是最开始舒淇的那一段,看得挺过瘾。电影有关于远程控制之类的高科技方面,还是觉得挺傻的。 舒淇为了保护妹妹死时候的那段真的很舍不得,再到妹妹和女警联手报仇,现在回想起来电影拍摄挺一般的,但那时候看的时候真的觉得还不错